Accord.NET framework은 171가지의 이미지 필터링을 제공하고 있으며 그 목록은 다음과 같다.
Class | Description | |
AdaptiveSmoothing | Adaptive Smoothing - noise removal with edges preserving. | |
Add | Add fillter - add pixel values of two images. | |
AdditiveNoise | Additive noise filter. | |
ApplyMask | Apply mask to the specified image. | |
BackwardQuadrilateralTransformation | Performs backward quadrilateral transformation into an area in destination image. | |
BaseFilter | Base class for filters, which produce new image of the same size as a result of image processing. | |
BaseFilter2 | Base class for filters, which operate with two images of the same size and format and produce new image as a result. | |
BaseInPlaceFilter | Base class for filters, which may be applied directly to the source image. | |
BaseInPlaceFilter2 | Base class for filters, which operate with two images of the same size and format and may be applied directly to the source image. | |
BaseInPlacePartialFilter | Base class for filters, which may be applied directly to the source image or its part. | |
BaseResizeFilter | Base class for image resizing filters. | |
BaseRotateFilter | Base class for image rotation filters. | |
BaseTransformationFilter | Base class for filters, which may produce new image of different size as a result of image processing. | |
BaseUsingCopyPartialFilter | Base class for filters, which require source image backup to make them applicable to source image (or its part) directly. | |
BayerDithering | Ordered dithering using Bayer matrix. | |
BayerFilter | Generic Bayer fileter image processing routine. | |
BayerFilterOptimized | Optimized Bayer fileter image processing routine. | |
BilateralSmoothing | Bilateral filter implementation - edge preserving smoothing and noise reduction that uses chromatic and spatial factors. | |
BinaryDilation3x3 | Binary dilation operator from Mathematical Morphology with 3x3 structuring element. | |
BinaryErosion3x3 | Binary erosion operator from Mathematical Morphology with 3x3 structuring element. | |
BinaryWatershed | Watershed filter. | |
Blend | Linear Gradient Blending filter. | |
BlobsFiltering | Blobs filtering by size. | |
Blur | Blur filter. | |
BottomHat | Bottop-hat operator from Mathematical Morphology. | |
BradleyLocalThresholding | Adaptive thresholding using the internal image. | |
BrightnessCorrection | Brightness adjusting in RGB color space. | |
BurkesDithering | Dithering using Burkes error diffusion. | |
CannyEdgeDetector | Canny edge detector. | |
CanvasCrop | Fill areas outiside of specified region. | |
CanvasFill | Fill areas iniside of the specified region. | |
CanvasMove | Move canvas to the specified point. | |
ChannelFiltering | Channels filters. | |
Closing | Closing operator from Mathematical Morphology. | |
ColorFiltering | Color filtering. | |
ColorRemapping | Color remapping. | |
CombineChannel | Combine channel filter. | |
CompassConvolution | Compass convolution filter. | |
Concatenate | Concatenation filter. | |
ConnectedComponentsLabeling | Connected components labeling. | |
ConservativeSmoothing | Conservative smoothing. | |
ContrastCorrection | Contrast adjusting in RGB color space. | |
ContrastStretch | Contrast stretching filter. | |
Convolution | Convolution filter. | |
CornersMarker | Filter to mark (highlight) corners of objects. | |
Crop | Crop an image. | |
Difference | Difference filter - get the difference between overlay and source images. | |
DifferenceEdgeDetector | Difference edge detector. | |
DifferenceOfGaussians | Difference of Gaussians filter. | |
Dilation | dilation operator from Mathematical Morphology. | |
Dilation3x3 | dilation operator from Mathematical Morphology with 3x3 structuring element. | |
DistanceTransform | Distance transform filter. | |
Divide | Divide filter - divide pixel values of two images. | |
Edges | Simple edge detector. | |
Erosion | Erosion operator from Mathematical Morphology. | |
Erosion3x3 | Erosion operator from Mathematical Morphology with 3x3 structuring element. | |
ErrorDiffusionDithering | Base class for error diffusion dithering. | |
ErrorDiffusionToAdjacentNeighbors | Base class for error diffusion dithering, where error is diffused to adjacent neighbor pixels. | |
EuclideanColorFiltering | Euclidean color filtering. | |
Exponential | Exponential filter. | |
ExtractBiggestBlob | Extract the biggest blob from image. | |
ExtractChannel | Extract RGB channel from image. | |
ExtractNormalizedRGBChannel | Extract normalized RGB channel from color image. | |
FastBoxBlur | Fast Box Blur filter. | |
FastGuidedFilter | Fast Guided Filter (non-commercial). | |
FastVariance | Fast Variance filter. | |
FeaturesMarker | Filter to mark (highlight) feature points in a image. | |
FillHoles | Fill holes in objects in binary image. | |
FilterIterator | Filter iterator. | |
FiltersSequence | Filters' collection to apply to an image in sequence. | |
FlatFieldCorrection | Flat field correction filter. | |
FloydSteinbergDithering | Dithering using Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion. | |
GaborFilter | Gabor filter. | |
GammaCorrection | Gamma correction filter. | |
GaussianBlur | Gaussian blur filter. | |
GaussianSharpen | Gaussian sharpen filter. | |
Grayscale | Base class for image grayscaling. | |
Grayscale.CommonAlgorithms | Set of predefined common grayscaling algorithms, which have already initialized grayscaling coefficients. | |
GrayscaleBT709 | Obsolete. Grayscale image using BT709 algorithm. | |
GrayscaleRMY | Obsolete. Grayscale image using R-Y algorithm. | |
GrayscaleToRGB | Convert grayscale image to RGB. | |
GrayscaleY | Obsolete. Grayscale image using Y algorithm. | |
GrayWorld | Gray World filter for color normalization. | |
HighBoost | High boost filter. | |
HistogramEqualization | Histogram equalization filter. | |
HitAndMiss | Hit-And-Miss operator from Mathematical Morphology. | |
HomogenityEdgeDetector | Homogenity edge detector. | |
HorizontalRunLengthSmoothing | Horizontal run length smoothing algorithm. | |
HSLFiltering | Color filtering in HSL color space. | |
HSLLinear | Luminance and saturation linear correction. | |
HueModifier | Hue modifier. | |
ImageWarp | Image warp effect filter. | |
Intersect | Intersect filter - get MIN of pixels in two images. | |
Invert | Invert image. | |
IterativeThreshold | Iterative threshold search and binarization. | |
JarvisJudiceNinkeDithering | Dithering using Jarvis, Judice and Ninke error diffusion. | |
Jitter | Jitter filter. | |
KirschEdgeDetector | Kirsch's Edge Detector | |
Kuwahara | Kuwahara filter. | |
LevelsLinear | Linear correction of RGB channels. | |
LevelsLinear16bpp | Linear correction of RGB channels for images, which have 16 bpp planes (16 bit gray images or 48/64 bit colour images). | |
LineMarker | Filter to mark (highlight) lines in a image. | |
Logarithm | Log filter. | |
MaskedFilter | Apply filter according to the specified mask. | |
Mean | Mean filter. | |
Median | Median filter. | |
Merge | Merge filter - get MAX of pixels in two images. | |
Mirror | Mirroring filter. | |
Morph | Morph filter. | |
MoveTowards | Move towards filter. | |
Multiply | Multiply filter - multiply pixel values of two images. | |
NiblackThreshold | Niblack Threshold. | |
OilPainting | Oil painting filter. | |
Opening | Opening operator from Mathematical Morphology. | |
OrderedDithering | Binarization with thresholds matrix. | |
OtsuThreshold | Otsu thresholding. | |
PairsMarker | Filter to mark (highlight) pairs of points in a image. | |
Pixellate | Pixellate filter. | |
PointedColorFloodFill | Flood filling with specified color starting from specified point. | |
PointedMeanFloodFill | Flood filling with mean color starting from specified point. | |
PointsMarker | Filter to mark (highlight) points in a image. | |
QuadrilateralTransformation | Performs quadrilateral transformation of an area in a given source image. | |
QuadrilateralTransformationBilinear | Obsolete. Performs quadrilateral transformation using bilinear algorithm for interpolation. | |
QuadrilateralTransformationNearestNeighbor | Obsolete. Performs quadrilateral transformation using nearest neighbor algorithm for interpolation. | |
RectanglesMarker | Filter to mark (highlight) rectangles in a image. | |
Rectification | Rectification filter for projective transformation. | |
ReplaceChannel | Replace RGB channel of color imgae. | |
ResizeBicubic | Resize image using bicubic interpolation algorithm. | |
ResizeBilinear | Resize image using bilinear interpolation algorithm. | |
ResizeNearestNeighbor | Resize image using nearest neighbor algorithm. | |
RGChromacity | RG Chromaticity. | |
RobinsonEdgeDetector | Robinson's Edge Detector | |
RotateBicubic | Rotate image using bicubic interpolation. | |
RotateBilinear | Rotate image using bilinear interpolation. | |
RotateChannels | Rotate RGB channels. | |
RotateNearestNeighbor | Rotate image using nearest neighbor algorithm. | |
SaltAndPepperNoise | Salt and pepper noise. | |
SaturationCorrection | Saturation adjusting in HSL color space. | |
SauvolaThreshold | Sauvola Threshold. | |
Sepia | Sepia filter - old brown photo. | |
Sharpen | Sharpen filter | |
Shrink | Shrink an image by removing specified color from its boundaries. | |
SierraDithering | Dithering using Sierra error diffusion. | |
SimplePosterization | Simple posterization of an image. | |
SimpleQuadrilateralTransformation | Performs quadrilateral transformation of an area in the source image. | |
SimpleSkeletonization | Simple skeletonization filter. | |
SISThreshold | Threshold using Simple Image Statistics (SIS). | |
SobelEdgeDetector | Sobel edge detector. | |
StereoAnaglyph | Stereo anaglyph filter. | |
StuckiDithering | Dithering using Stucki error diffusion. | |
Subtract | Subtract filter - subtract pixel values of two images. | |
TexturedFilter | Textured filter - filter an image using texture. | |
TexturedMerge | Merge two images using factors from texture. | |
Texturer | Texturer filter. | |
Threshold | Threshold binarization. | |
ThresholdedDifference | Calculate difference between two images and threshold it. | |
ThresholdedEuclideanDifference | Calculate Euclidean difference between two images and threshold it. | |
ThresholdWithCarry | Threshold binarization with error carry. | |
TopHat | Top-hat operator from Mathematical Morphology. | |
TransformFromPolar | Transform polar image into rectangle. | |
TransformToPolar | Transform rectangle image into circle (to polar coordinates). | |
Variance | Variance filter. | |
VerticalRunLengthSmoothing | Vertical run length smoothing algorithm. | |
WaterWave | Simple water wave effect filter. | |
WaveletTransform | Wavelet transform filter. | |
WhitePatch | White Patch filter for color normalization. | |
WolfJolionThreshold | Wolf Jolion Threshold. | |
YCbCrExtractChannel | Extract YCbCr channel from image. | |
YCbCrFiltering | Color filtering in YCbCr color space. | |
YCbCrLinear | Linear correction of YCbCr channels. | |
YCbCrReplaceChannel | Replace channel of YCbCr color space. | |
ZhangSuenSkeletonization | Zhang-Suen skeletonization filter. |
이 필터들은 .NET Standard 2.0 과 .NET Core 2.0 에 완벽하게 호환 제공되고 있다.
이 필터들을 사용하기 위해서는 단순히
using Accord.Imaging.Filters;
을 네임스페이스 위에 삽입하여 사용하면 된다.
예제코드(가우시안 블러 사용 예제)
using System; using System.Drawing; using Accord.Imaging.Filters; using Accord.DataSets; public class Program { public static void Main() { TestImages t = new TestImages(); Bitmap baboon = t.GetImage("baboon.bmp"); // We can create a new Gaussian Blur: GaussianBlur blur = new GaussianBlur(); // Now we can either apply it to the image, creating a // new resulting image to hold the output of the filter: Bitmap result = blur.Apply(baboon); // Or we can apply the operation in place, // overwriting the original image: blur.ApplyInPlace(baboon); } }